
Textual and Digital Studies Grad Certificate Capstones!

Thursday, May 25, 3-6pm

Seminar Room of the Simpson Center for the Humanities

Communications 202

We’ll hear about the following terrific projects from students completing the Textual and Digital Studies certificate. Refreshments will be served.

Ashlyn Higareda (MLIS) and Melissa Fallon (MLIS)

Petals and Pages: A Blooming Analysis of Floral Illuminations in Medieval Manuscripts

Our project will involve a comprehensive analysis of flora in illuminated manuscripts from various regions and within the medieval era. To achieve our research goals, we will draw on a range of scholarly sources, including manuscripts, art history texts, and cultural studies literature. By analyzing the specific ways in which floral illuminations are used in different manuscripts and the potential effects they may have on readership, we hope to contribute to a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between text, image, and reader experience in medieval manuscripts. Ultimately, our project aims to showcase the beauty and complexity of these fascinating illustrations, while also shedding new light on their role in shaping the world of medieval literature and art.

Amelia Lehosit (PhD, English)

The Mere Wife’s Kingdom

The majority of individuals who experience the Old English epic Beowulf will do so through a translation. While Old English scholars rightfully have prioritized studying the Old English original text, few have explored the translation tradition of Beowulf and how translation affects readers’ understanding of the poemThe Mere Wife’s Kingdom is a digital project that explores the nuances of Old English translation by comparing how a variety of translators approach the battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s Mother.

Emily Klemkow (MLIS)

Scottish Romance: temporary stardom or permanent fame

This project will look at the impact of Scottish romance novels on the perception of Scotland and Scottish culture. Taking the total number of book published under the realm of Scottish romance the project will discover the impacts of these books on a Scottish tourism and culture. 

Kenzie Brown (MLIS) and Eric Flores (MLIS)

‘To Be Used and Enjoyed’: Unveiling the Seattle Archdiocese Archives

We catalogued 300 rare books in the Seattle Archdiocese Archives for the purpose of discoverability and accessibility. Additionally, we created an online exhibit featuring books that exemplify the types of materials in the collection. We will expound on our process of cataloguing the collection and presenting it digitally.