
Great News for Grad Students

In July 2022, the University of Washington’s Graduate School approved revisions to Graduate School policy Memo 43: Graduate Certificates after a tri-campus feedback process and Graduate School Council faculty approval. The revision allows for a new “stacked” graduate degree policy (Memo 50: The Stacked Graduate Degree) used by other programs, but we are particularly excited for these changes because they will help reduce barriers for all graduate students supplementing their home degrees (Masters or PhD) with a graduate certificate.

Previously, only a maximum of six credits could be shared between the home degree and the graduate certificate. This limitation has been eliminated, which allows for students to complete their studies in a more efficient way, saving time and tuition.

The interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Textual Studies is great for students thinking about further studies and careers in editing and publishing, libraries and archives, and in contexts where working with cultural and literary materials in archival or digital formats will be paramount. Past certificate recipients have included students in Art History, Asian Languages & Literature, Comparative Literature, Drama, English, French Studies, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, the Information School, International Studies, and Scandinavian Languages & Literature. We’re pleased this policy change will make the certificate more accessible to graduate students!

Announcements Faculty & Staff Research

Professor Hannah Frydman Wins Malcolm Bowie Prize

Congratulations to Professor of French Hannah Frydman for her receipt of the Malcolm Bowie Prize from the Society for French Studies!

The Bowie Prize goes to the best article published in the preceding year by an early-career researcher in French Studies. Frydman’s article, “Freedom’s Sex Problem: Classified Advertising, Law, and the Politics of Reading in Third Republic France,” was selected by a panel which included Diana Holmes (University of Leeds, Panel Chair, and Society of French Studies Vice-President), Shirley Jordan (Newcastle University), Judith Miller (NYU), Michael Syrotinski (University of Glasgow, Society of French Studies President), and Downing Thomas (University of Iowa).

The panel describes her article:

Through the lens of newly developed classified advertising, this essay analyses the Third Republic’s effort to police reproduction and sexuality at the expense of the regime’s formal commitment to democratic freedom and expression. The judges found it to be a very fine piece of historical writing, meticulously researched and argued, providing a fascinating window into morality laws of the period and the ways in which they attempted to manage language, alongside an exploration of the complexities this situation brought to the commercial landscape of periodicals. It offers an original and illuminating perspective on sexuality and gender relations in the early decades of the Third Republic.

The article, published in French Historical Studies, is free to access through August 2022 from the Duke University Press.

Announcements Research Students

2022 Capstone Event for Textual Studies Graduate Certificate

Textual and Digital Studies Capstone Presentations
Friday, June 3, 3-4:30pm
Simpson Center, CMU 202

On June 3, Francesca Colonnese and Nikita Willeford Kastrinos will be giving short presentations as part of the capstone for completion of the Graduate Certificate in Textual and Digital Studies.

The TDS certificate is open to any student enrolled in a graduate program at the UW interested in the history of texts from antiquity to today, including any and all aspects of the creation, publication, editing, reception, circulation, adaptation and materiality of texts. You are especially encouraged to attend if you are interested in the program.

Francesca Colonnese, English
“When I am Read: The Temporality of Christina Rossetti in the Newspaper”

Christina Rossetti’s morbid little poem “Song [When I am Dead]” experienced a second life on the American Newspaper page, being reprinted numerous times in different papers. This eschatological lyric itself evokes temporality and yet what does it mean to alter its medium from printed collection to the densely printed periodical? This project explores the spatiality of newspaper pages to ask questions about readerly attention and whether or not the periodical context alters the reader’s temporal experience.

Nikita Willeford Kastrinos, English
“Intimate Threads: Text and Textile in the Pages of Pamela

This paper explores the expansive material textuality of Samuel Richardson’s eighteenth-century novel Pamela by investigating the connections between bodies, clothing, and texts present in the novel’s rag pulp paper. Recuperating the extensive material literacies of its eighteenth-century readers, this paper argues for a renewed attention to the interactions of text and textile in the novel and the primacy of touch in reading practices of the rag paper period.

Announcements Research

Call for Submissions to Printing History

The American Printing History Association welcomes submissions for a special issue of its peer-reviewed journal Printing History dedicated to any aspect of printing and related arts across Latin American and Caribbean cultures. The issue will focus on the study of printing history and practices of peoples and cultures related to U.S. Latina/o, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Papers that center the experiences of Indigenous people, Afro-descendants, Hispanic, and Latina/o/x groups are particularly wanted. Scholars, stewards, practitioners, and collectors are encouraged to submit articles, interviews, and book reviews.

Topics may span the pre-colonial era to the present and can include, but are not limited to:

  • printing and publishing in all of its forms from hand bills to newspapers and books
  • the dissemination of printing technology and its allied trades
  • the social, cultural, and political impact of printing and publishing
  • modern developments in the field including digital innovations and the popularization of self-publishing

The deadline for receipt of submissions, which may be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, is July 17, 2022. All correspondence, articles, book reviews, inquiries, etc., should be directed to


Articles usually range between 2,000 and 8,000 words, but shorter notes are also welcome. Illustration is encouraged. Peer review of submitted articles to Printing History is coordinated by the APHA editorial committee. Writers from all backgrounds are encouraged to submit.
We are readily prepared to receive submissions that are created in the major word processing programs. Images should, ideally, be submitted as six-hundred-pixel-per-inch files in the TIF format. We, in general, follow the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style. A style-guide and further information for contributors is attached.

Announcements Courses

Planned Courses for 2022/2023

The Textual Studies Program and partner departments project the following courses to be offered during the 2022/2023 academic year. Please note that these offerings are subject to change.

Autumn 2022

Digital Editing and Text Processing for Publication / Texts, Publics, and Publication — TXTDS 414 / FRENCH 420 / TXTDS 504 (VLPA, I&S, SLN: 22912; TXTDS core course)

Data Science and the Humanities — TXTDS 267 / ENGL 267 (VLPA, SLN: 23137; TXTDS minor elective)

Winter 2023

Texts, Data, and Computation — TXTDS 413 / ENGL 413 (VLPA, QSR; minor core course)

Text Technologies: Medieval Manuscript Cultures — TXTDS 401 / HONORS 211 / TXTDS 501 (VLPA, QSR; TXTDS core course)

Text Technologies: History of the Book in South Asia — TXTDS 501 / ASIAN 541 (TXTDS graduate certificate core course)

Art History and Criticism: Haiti and Print Culture in the Age of Revolution — ART H 400 (VLPA; TXTDS minor elective)

Love and Empire: Cultural History of the Ottoman Empire through Literature — NEAR E 371 (VLPA, I&S; TXTDS minor elective)

Spring 2023

Texts, Data, and Computation: Introduction to Cultural Analytics — TXTDS 413 / INFO 498 (VLPA, QSR; TXTDS core course)

Archives, Data, and Databases: 20th Century Book History and Digital Humanities — TXTDS 503 / ENGL 504 (TXTDS graduate certificate core course)


New Textual Studies Website & Domain

The Textual Studies program is pleased to announce the launch of our new website and domain. This site will continue to be the source for information on our graduate (and soon, undergraduate!) programs and courses, along with news from our faculty and student community.

We are grateful to Russell Hugo, Assistant Director of the Language Learning Center, for his time and efforts building this new site.

Our longterm goal with the TXTDS domain is to provide server space for digital scholarship projects in our teaching and learning community. Stay tuned for more as we develop these opportunities further.


Guest Lecture by Dr. Natale Vacalebre: Books as Bridges of Peace: Aldus Manutius and Pedagogical Humanism

On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 3 p.m. on Zoom, French & Italian Studies will host Dr. Natale Vacalebre, speaking on publisher Aldus Manutius. This talk will be of interest to all in the Humanities, and especially to Italian Studies and Textual Studies faculty and students.

The human and intellectual journey of Aldus Manutius (1455-1515) was unique in many ways. Aldus was not only the humanist-publisher who revolutionized the way printed books were produced and disseminated; he was also the first publisher to consider books as bridges of peace at a time when bloody wars were tearing apart the entire Italian peninsula. This talk will illustrate Aldus’ thoughts on the usefulness of written culture and, in particular, of books as vehicles of brotherhood and pacifism. At the same time, it will analyze the intellectual relationships Aldus developed with European princes through the dedicatory epistles he wrote and included in his editions.

Natale Vacalebre is Benjamin Franklin Fellow in Italian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he is currently completing a research project on the Renaissance readers of Dante’s Divine Comedy. He is also Managing Editor of the UPenn academic journal Bibliotheca Dantesca: Journal of Dante Studies, which he founded in 2018. A scholar of the circulation of written culture and the history of libraries in the early modern age, Vacalebre is the author of numerous articles published in international academic journals, as well as of the monograph Come le armadure e l’armi. Per una storia delle antiche biblioteche della Compagnia di Gesù (Florence: Olschki, 2016). In 2020 he was awarded the Charles Hall Grandgent Award by the Dante Society of America for his paper on the recent discovery of Guglielmo Maramauro’s commentary on the Commedia, of which he is preparing a critical edition with an English translation.

For more information, see French & Italian Studies’ Events page.


CIFNAL Speaker Series on Digital Humanities in French & Francophone Studies

The Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) is a global collaboration under the umbrella of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). The University of Washington Libraries is a member of CRL and CIFNAL and shared this virtual series with us, which will be relevant to both our French & Francophone Studies and Textual Studies folks! Events begin this week and continue all the way through June 2022.

More information available on the CRL website.

Clovis Gladstone: Computational Approaches to Textual Scholarship: the ARTFL Project’s French Digital Collections
February 4, 12-1pm EST
Registration Link:

M. Stephanie Chancy: Preserving Cultural and Historical Patrimony: dLOC Partnerships and Collaborations in Haiti
February 25, 2-3pm EST
Registration Link:

Darlene Hull (Libros de Barlovento): Plein de Défis : a Book Vendor’s Experience Acquiring Library Materials from Haiti
March 4, 2-3pm EST
Registration Link:

Jérémie Roche (CAIRN), Julie Therizols (OpenEdition), and Emilie Chouinard (Erudit): The Future of Electronic Publishing in France and Francophone Canada
March 28, 12-1pm EST
Registration Link:

Nathan H. Dize: Translating Haiti in the Archives of Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
April 15, 12-1pm EST
Registration Link:

Quinn Dombrowski: Corpus Hebdo: Building Infrastructure for Multilingual Digital Humanities
May 20, 12-1pm EST
Registration Link:

Charlotte Denoël: French medieval manuscripts at the BnF: current research programs and future perspectives
June 10, 12-1pm EST
Registration Link:

Announcements Courses Faculty & Staff Research

Recent Italian and Textual Studies Scholarship by Professor Beatrice Arduini

In Autumn 2021, Associate Professor of Italian Studies Beatrice Arduini published several new works in Italian and Textual Studies, including scholarship that connects with her work supported by the Simpson Center’s Digital Humanities Summer Fellowships earlier that year.

In collaboration with Jelena Todorović, Professor Arduini co-wrote “Biscioni’s Dante,” published in Textual Cultures, vol. 14, no. 1. This essay focuses on the 1723 edition of two of Dante Alighieri’s “minor texts,” the Vita Nova and the Convivio, both of which had troubled editorial histories, within the volume Prose di Dante Alighieri e di Messer Gio. Boccacci prepared for the Tartini press in Florence by Anton Maria Biscioni. In intervening in the texts of both works in unique ways, this edition sought to return to Dante’s original intentions when writing them. This essay argues that Anton Maria Biscioni’s work offers modern readers a unique glimpse into the workshop of an editor of this eighteenth-century edition of Dante’s texts, an editor who details all the facets of the editorial process, from the collation of manuscripts to the hard choices determined by that collation and by the current practices of the editorial trade. The authors argue that main achievements of this 1723 edition can be seen in its editor’s promotion of bibliographical studies.

Also with Jelena Todorović (Associate Professor of Italian, University of Wisconsin Madison), along with Isabella Magni (Postdoctoral Fellow at the HathiTrust Research Center, HTRC, and Indiana University Luddy School of Informatics), Arduini co-edited as well as contributed an article to the volume, Interpretation and Visual Poetics in Medieval and Early Modern Texts: Essays in Honor of H. Wayne Storey, published by Brill in October.

Arduini explained, “I wanted to edit (and contribute) to this festchrift to honor the work and the career of our advisor and mentor, H. Wayne Storey. This is a tradition that lives very much in the Italian academic world, and many of Wayne’s friends, colleagues and former students were delighted to participate. Therefore, the project is intended for an academic audience interested in medieval and early modern Italian and French studies, textual studies and material culture. We wanted to delineate new research directions and opportunities in our fields of medieval studies, textual studies and digital humanities, based on and inspired by Wayne’s work, hence the word ‘new’ in the title of the volume. Accordingly, many contributions in the volume offer new paths of scholarly exploration that stem from his research. In line with this aim, we divided the essays into two parts, ‘Materiality and Visual Poetics’ and ‘Hermeneutics and Literary Criticism,’ reflecting a range of source texts and approaches that have common roots in two distinct but inseparable strains of Wayne’s scholarly legacy, which are also central to our own research, material studies and hermeneutics.”

Arduini’s article in the volume, ” ‘Dolente me/ son morto ed ag[g]io vita!’ The sonnet corona of ‘disaventura’ by Monte Andrea da Firenze,” examines how Monte presents himself as an emblematic example of misfortune and a poet of bad luck, illustrating with bitterness and tragic realism the precarious economic situation that condemned him to a marginal role in society after his bankruptcy. It is an uncommon characterization of poverty for the Italian 13th century: it moves away from its view as shame and disgrace to hint to a larger social problem, but also refuses the Christian ideal of poverty, which dictates to devalue worldly (i.e., economic and political) success to glorify a more transcendent vision, as presented in the Franciscan tradition and in Dante. The article includes translation of six sonnets, and is part of a larger book project on representation of poverty and suffering, tentatively entitled Suffering Sonnets: The Physicality of Love and Poverty in Monte Andrea (Florence, second half of the 13th century). Arduini started working on a virtual database and digital companion to her book project in summer 2021 thanks to the generous support of one of the Simpson Center DH Summer Fellowships.

Professor Arduini will be examining these themes of poverty as well as incarceration and slavery in her upcoming Spring 2022 class, ITAL 354 A: Travels, Migrations, and Exile: Encounters with the Other in Textual and Digital Archives (offered jointly with C LIT 361 A). Taught in English, the five-credit course has no prerequisites and satisfies both the Diversity (DIV) and Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts (VLPA) GE requirements.

Announcements Faculty & Staff Research

New Publication by Professor Hannah Frydman

New Assistant Professor of French Studies Hannah Frydman has published the article, “Freedom’s Sex Problem: Classified Advertising, Law, and the Politics of Reading in Third Republic France,” in French Historical Studies (volume 44, number 4).

The article traces the history of legal responses to so-called immorality (e.g. abortion, sex work, non-normative sex) in the classified pages of the Parisian press. In particular, she shows how decades of judicial uncertainty about whether obscenity law permitted the symptomatic reading of coded ads — or if only surface reading was allowed — protected the freedom of the press, a freedom endangered by attempts to make mass media inhospitable to sexual advertising.

The article is available on the Duke University Press site.