Graduate Certificate in Textual and Digital Studies

MA and PhD students in any program at the UW can earn a Graduate Certificate in Textual and Digital Studies.

The certificate is based on completion of 16 total credits. These include:

  • Two courses chosen from the list of core electives for 2024-2025 (Note that courses taken in a cross-listed section at the 400 or 500 level can also count towards the TDS Graduate Certificate):
    • Autumn 2024
      • TXTDS 403Archives, Data and Databases: Critical Archives in Theory and Practice
      • TXTDS 503Archives, Data, and Databases: Introduction to Data Science. Applications in Library Science and Humanities Research. Offered with LIS 572
      • FRENCH 590French Cultural History Through Digital Archives and Tools (some reading knowledge of French required — please reach out to if you have questions.) Offered with French 379
    • Winter 2025
      • TXTDS 402Book Arts: Art History of the Book. (offered with ART H 422)
      • TXTDS 501Text Technologies: History of Print in South Asia. (offered with ASIAN 541)
      • TXTDS 401 CText Technologies: The Middle East Illustrated. Visual and Verbal Storytelling in Graphic Novels (offered with MELC 596)
    • Spring 2025
      • TXTDS 504Texts, Publics and Publication: Digital Editing and Publishing. (Offered with TXTDS 404)
      • ART H 400Art History and Criticism: Haiti and Print Culture in the Age of Revolution.

  • One open elective, to be chosen in consultation with the student’s TDS advisor. This course will ideally integrate the student’s TDS interests with work in his/her home department.
  • Capstone (1 credit). The capstone culminates with a 15-minute presentation that builds on and unifies the work done in TDS courses and demonstrates a connection with the student’s primary program and graduate work. This presentation takes place in spring quarter in a capstone colloquium that meets once or twice in May/June, depending on the numbers of students.
G. Spratt, Circulating Library,
American Antiquarian Society

Important note: As of July 2022, there is no longer a limit to overlapping credits between the graduate certificate and MA degree. For more information, see the Graduate School Memo 43: Graduate Certificates.

Admission: Interested students should apply here (UW ID required). The prerequisite for admission to the TDS Graduate Certificate is good academic standing in a master’s or doctoral program at UW. Please contact either Jeffrey Todd Knight ( or Geoffrey Turnovsky ( with any questions about your eligibility or other aspects of the program. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Students are encouraged to apply for admission before beginning their coursework.