The Textual Studies Program and partner departments project the following courses to be offered during the 2022/2023 academic year. Please note that these offerings are subject to change.
Autumn 2022
Digital Editing and Text Processing for Publication / Texts, Publics, and Publication — TXTDS 414 / FRENCH 420 / TXTDS 504 (VLPA, I&S, SLN: 22912; TXTDS core course)
Data Science and the Humanities — TXTDS 267 / ENGL 267 (VLPA, SLN: 23137; TXTDS minor elective)
Winter 2023
Texts, Data, and Computation — TXTDS 413 / ENGL 413 (VLPA, QSR; minor core course)
Text Technologies: Medieval Manuscript Cultures — TXTDS 401 / HONORS 211 / TXTDS 501 (VLPA, QSR; TXTDS core course)
Text Technologies: History of the Book in South Asia — TXTDS 501 / ASIAN 541 (TXTDS graduate certificate core course)
Art History and Criticism: Haiti and Print Culture in the Age of Revolution — ART H 400 (VLPA; TXTDS minor elective)
Love and Empire: Cultural History of the Ottoman Empire through Literature — NEAR E 371 (VLPA, I&S; TXTDS minor elective)
Spring 2023
Texts, Data, and Computation: Introduction to Cultural Analytics — TXTDS 413 / INFO 498 (VLPA, QSR; TXTDS core course)
Archives, Data, and Databases: 20th Century Book History and Digital Humanities — TXTDS 503 / ENGL 504 (TXTDS graduate certificate core course)