Announcements Research

Call for Submissions to Printing History

The American Printing History Association welcomes submissions for a special issue of its peer-reviewed journal Printing History dedicated to any aspect of printing and related arts across Latin American and Caribbean cultures. The issue will focus on the study of printing history and practices of peoples and cultures related to U.S. Latina/o, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Papers that center the experiences of Indigenous people, Afro-descendants, Hispanic, and Latina/o/x groups are particularly wanted. Scholars, stewards, practitioners, and collectors are encouraged to submit articles, interviews, and book reviews.

Topics may span the pre-colonial era to the present and can include, but are not limited to:

  • printing and publishing in all of its forms from hand bills to newspapers and books
  • the dissemination of printing technology and its allied trades
  • the social, cultural, and political impact of printing and publishing
  • modern developments in the field including digital innovations and the popularization of self-publishing

The deadline for receipt of submissions, which may be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese, is July 17, 2022. All correspondence, articles, book reviews, inquiries, etc., should be directed to


Articles usually range between 2,000 and 8,000 words, but shorter notes are also welcome. Illustration is encouraged. Peer review of submitted articles to Printing History is coordinated by the APHA editorial committee. Writers from all backgrounds are encouraged to submit.
We are readily prepared to receive submissions that are created in the major word processing programs. Images should, ideally, be submitted as six-hundred-pixel-per-inch files in the TIF format. We, in general, follow the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style. A style-guide and further information for contributors is attached.